Tax Office / Treasurer

The York Township Tax Office collects the Real Estate taxes for the County of York, Township of York and the Dallastown Area School District. After receipt of these taxes we remit these amounts to the proper taxing entity. This is one reason the checks are to be made payable to Kay A. Crumling, for sometimes your checks have to be split three ways.

Note: Business Privilege, Mercantile, EMS and Occupational Privilege Tax are collected by the York Adams Tax Bureau.

Mailing Address and Contacts

192 Oak Road   Dallastown, PA 17313
Phone: 717-741-0056   Fax: 717-741-1005
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday -Thursday
E-Mail: Tax Collector

Kay A. Crumling, Treasurer – Tax Collector

Billing Cycles and Due Dates

The County and Municipal (York Township) taxes are billed in February each year. These bills are based on a calendar year (January – December).

The Dallastown Area School taxes are billed in July each year. These bills are based on a fiscal year (July – June).

From the date of each of the above bills you have 60 days to pay at the Rebate amount. If the taxes are not paid at Rebate then you will have another 60 days to pay at the Face amount. After the Face amount due date the taxes are into the Penalty amount. All taxes billed prior to September 1st must be paid on or before December 31st or they will be turned over to the York County Tax Claim Bureau.

Due to the late billing for the school district taxes we will be unable to send out final notices for the school taxes. If there is any doubt that your taxes are paid or not; please call the office. The Tax office will verify if payment has been received.

Escrowed Taxes

In the event your taxes are escrowed we recommend that you forward the applicable bill, after making a copy, to your lender via Certified Mail. This will protect you in the event your Lender fails to pay your taxes at the Rebate amount. You will have proof that they received them in adequate amount of time to meet the Rebate deadline.

New Home Construction

If you purchase a new home and the assessment on the property at settlement is for land only you may want to verify at settlement whether or not there are additional escrow monies set aside to pay any interim bills that will be issued. The York County assessment office will come out and establish an assessed value on the improvements and at the same time increase the land value for now it is an improved lot and its value will appreciate. The Assessment Office will send you a notice when the new assessment is established. Shortly thereafter you will receive an interim bill from the County/Township, which will address the increase in assessed value. The Dallastown School District also receives this information from the County and will also issue an interim bill on the increased value. If you have an escrow account you may want to contact your lender to see if they pay interim bills.

Additional Services and Forms

The Treasurer and Tax office also provides the following applications:

  • Dog licenses
  • Voter registration forms
  • Pace applications
  • Property Tax and Rent Rebate forms.

Contact Tax Collector


Contact Tax Collector (Online Form)