Please Participate in the Comprehensive Plan Update Community Survey! York and Spring Garden Townships have partnered to update both municipalities’ Comprehensive Plans as a joint effort with the goal of… Continue Reading Community Survey!!!
The tipping fee (cost for disposal) for York County processible municipal solid waste at the York County Resource Recovery Center (RRC) for 2025 will increase from $79.00 per ton to… Continue Reading YORK COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY APPROVES 2025 BUDGET WITH $4.00/TON INCREASE IN THE COST FOR WASTE DISPOSAL.
Please follow the links below for additional information regarding current open positions. Applications should be returned via e-mail to [email protected], or in person to the York Township Administrative Office located… Continue Reading Job Opening for York Township
Business Survey for the Comprehensive Plan Update! York and Spring Garden Townships have partnered to update both municipalities’ Comprehensive Plans as a joint effort with the goal of analyzing both… Continue Reading York Township Businesses-Please participate in Survey!!