Public Invited – York Township Comprehensive Plan Update Open House May 21, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
May 21 @ 6:00 pm
The York Township Planning Commission will hold an Open House to discuss the York Township/Spring Garden Township Joint Comprehensive Plan Update.
The Open House will take place at the York Township Municipal Offices on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with the Township Planning Commission.
The Open House will allow residents and business owners to share their thoughts about further Township Planning and begin to develop goals. York and Spring Garden Townships have partnered to update both municipalities’ Comprehensive Plans as a joint effort with the goal of analyzing both municipalities as a geographic area and recommend municipal and multi-municipal action(s), as appropriate, to coordinate regulatory, service and capital improvement decisions. The plan furthers current cooperative efforts and includes new opportunities for intergovernmental approaches to the cost-effective delivery of services.
Please contact the Township office for more information.
The York Township Planning Commission will hold an Open House to discuss the York Township/Spring Garden Township Joint Comprehensive Plan Update.
The Open House will take place at the York Township Municipal Offices on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with the Township Planning Commission.
The Open House will allow residents and business owners to share their thoughts about further Township Planning and begin to develop goals. York and Spring Garden Townships have partnered to update both municipalities’ Comprehensive Plans as a joint effort with the goal of analyzing both municipalities as a geographic area and recommend municipal and multi-municipal action(s), as appropriate, to coordinate regulatory, service and capital improvement decisions. The plan furthers current cooperative efforts and includes new opportunities for intergovernmental approaches to the cost-effective delivery of services.
Please contact the Township office for more information.