Planning Commission

The Planning Commission oversees the growth and development of the community and ensures that the infrastructure is prepared for any growth and development that may occur. The members prepare, recommend and administer subdivision and land development regulations and such other ordinances and regulations governing the development of land. They hold public meetings on proposed land developments and subdivision of property. The Planning Commission also recommends amendment changes to the ordinances and zoning map.

The York Township Planning Commission meets the third Tuesday of the month at the York Township Administration office, public meeting room, located at 190 Oak Road, Dallastown, PA. Meetings start at 6:00 p.m.

Contact Planning Commission


> Contact Planning Commission Staff Representative (Online Form)

Township Planning Commission
Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m.
Name and Address Ward / Term Expires
4 Year Term
Albert Granholm
2071 North Brook Circle
York, PA 17403
Ward 4
May 2027
H 717-771-5519
David Koratich
201 Chambers Ridge
York, PA 17402
Ward 1
June 2026
H 717-577-2036
Jodi Heffner, Chairperson
2864 S. Queen Street
Dallastown, PA 17313
Ward 2
December 2026
H 717-246-3179
Thomas Gross
2550 Edlorado Drive
York, PA 17402
Ward 5
April 2025
H 717-755-5141
Raymond Fertig
2860 Sunset Drive
Dallastown, PA 17313 
Ward 2
December 2024
H 717-244-9112
York County Planning Commission (Meets 4th Monday)
York County Government Center
28 East Market Street
York, PA 17401-1580

Meeting Notice

Public participation in the meetings of the Planning Commission of York Township is both a right under the Sunshine Law and is encouraged. However, the right of the public to participate is not unlimited. Members of the public must observe the procedural rules of the Township, such as being recognized by the Chair before addressing the Commission , not approaching the dais and not speaking when others are speaking.

Failure to observe these rules of decorum and participation could result in a citation filed pursuant to Section 5508 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, entitled “Disrupting meetings and processions.” A person commits an offense of Section 5508 of the Crimes Code if, with the intent to prevent or disrupt a lawful meeting, procession or gathering, he or she disturbs or interrupts it. Such an offense is a misdemeanor of the third degree, which is punishable by a fine of not less than $250, nor more than $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or both.

Agendas and Minutes Below
(click links to read/download)

Meeting Agendas posted to this site are to be considered DRAFT at all times. Agendas may change up to right before the start of a meeting. Official meeting agendas may only be obtained in person at the Township Office just prior to the start of a meeting or at the Township Office after a meeting has been held.

Meeting Minutes posted to this site are to be considered Un-Official at all times. Official meeting minutes may only be obtained in person at the Township Office after a subsequent meeting has been held and the previous meeting minutes have been approved.

Recent Agendas

Recent Minutes
